Category Archives: Uncategorized

Which is worse: mutant or crazy?

After reading the quite entertaining book Devil in the Details: Scenes from an Obsessive Girlhood, I have been looking up information on OCD (sometimes linked with anotherr FP interest, hoarding and garbage houses). I stumbled across a fascinating bit of research that suggests a genetic cause of OCD and related disorders! Yes, I sometimes miss the news for months on end, but you’d think I would have heard about this. More on OCD from Medline Plus.

Peach Leaves?

The Frugal Housewife mentions (in 1830) using peach leaves to flavor a pudding– this is certainly the first I have heard of this flavoring. Some half-hearted googling turns up some other mentions, most quite old, of flavoring with peach leaves. It sounds like they may taste of almonds.

A contemporary herbal mentions the leaves as having many positive effects, including “[i]n large quantities, they act mildly upon the bowels, securing mucous discharges without pain; and in this act many times leading to the expulsion of worms in their nests.” Eek!

Hurrah! Bah!

Bad news: lectured by patron upset about the “gay agenda” the library is pushing (his evidence: Gay Bingo poster in copy room next to many other posters and the fact that we own “books like Daddy’s Roommate“)
Good news: it’s the same guy who did the same lecture at me before, but previously he complained about Seattle Gay News and Daddy’s Roommate, so there’s only the one rabidly anti-gay guy locally
Bad News: he fills out lots of complaint forms
Good News: since he does this over and over, I get to try out different coping strategies each time: this time I showed him a huge number of Christian picture books to show that we are not promoting one view over another. He felt that we were putting out poison and candy. I pointed out that this is why children need to be supervised in the library.
Bad news: He is never ever convinced and had no interest in checking out any of our lovely Biblical picture books
Good news: He rarely updates his rant. He’s still talking about Daddy’s Roommate (1990) instead of King and King and Family (2004).