Afrigadget, is a site with neat technology appropriate to Africa.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Street Use
Street Use, a blog on how people really use things, or squodge them together with other things to make them better.
Rent another's Rental
Seems a little meta, but you can rent a place that someone else is renting. OK, it’s just short-term sublet type deal, of neat vacationy places.
Spiced amusement
Spamusement is comics inspired by actual spam subject lines. It is, as advertised, actually amusing!
But if they move my desk again…
So your pesky co-workers won’t let you listen to your police scanner at a reasonable volume, check out today’s 911 dispatches in Seattle.
Deadly Chiropractors!
In the deceptively boring titled press release (“State revokes, suspends licenses, certifications, registrations of health care providers”) from the Washington Department of Health, some people lose their medical licenses for some terribly exciting reasons.
Not that USanian convenience food is un-entertaining
I will be giving out emergency lollipops for being brave
While mainly aimed at medical and pharmacy pros, you too can join the Public Health Reserve Corps! I’m glad the health department is thinking ahead.
A nice follow-up for Lammas
The Anticraft has many wiccan and gothic crafts, with a nice sense of humor. The Lughnasadh ’06 issue theme is Danger! and includes a knitted bomb cosy.
Happy Lammas Day!
Hey, it’s Lammas, so celebrate the harvest of grain and bake some bread. Mmmm. Bread.