Here is a fun craft activity to try (pretend there are helpful line illustrations like in kids’ magazines), making your own magazine!
1. Start a file in a word processing program that can save as a PDF (yours probably does, take a look under Save As or Export or whatever).
2. Every time you run across an interesting looking article online that you don’t have time to finish now, copy and paste it into that file.
3. When you have a good bunch of stuff there, turn it into a PDF.
4. Turn that PDF into a booklet with BookletCreator.
5. Print it out (double sided, flip short side).
6. Fold in half and staple.
This makes an awesome purse/man satchel sized magazine! Tips based on my own various mistakes:
Make sure you set “result sheet size” to Letter in BookletCreator, or to whatever size paper you have. Leaving it on Auto made it look funky.
Make sure you get all pages of the article on those web sites that break them up into pieces. It can be disappointing to run out of article when you read your magazine on the bus.
Make sure you have the article title marked out clearly if you end up losing some formatting, it’s nice to reset your brain for a new article.
Bonus points for making a nice cover.