
Woodside Villa, July 14 1885.

Dot introduced me to a new day at 5.30 am. Arose — toileted quickly — breakfasted — then went from boat to street car — asked colored gentleman, how long before car left — worked his articulating apparatus so weakly I didn’t hear word he said. — it’s nice to be a little deaf when travelling you can ask everybody directions then pump your imagination for the answer, it strengthens this faculty. —

Took train leaving at 7 from Providence for the metropolis of culture — arrived there 9 am “coupaid” it to Damons office — waited 3/4 hour for his arrival, Then left for the Chateau-sur-le-Mer — If I stay there much longer Mrs. G___ will think me a bore — perhaps she thinks I make only two visits each year in one place each of 6 months — Noticed there was no stewardess on the ferry boat, strange omission considering the length of the voyage and the swell made by the tri-monthly boat to Nantasket. — Man with a dusty railroad Co Expression let down a sort of portcullis and the passengers poured themselves out — Arrived Winthrop Junction found Patrick there according to telephonic instructions, another evidence that the telephone works sometimes, Patrick had the Americanized Dog cart and incidentally a horse, suppose Patrick would forget the horse, because last week he went into Boston to Damons city residence and turned on the gas + started up the meter + forgot to turn gas off from a state of innocence to the wildest pervarication, — arrived at Woodside Villa and was greeted Mamma with a smile as sweet as a cherub that buzzed around the bedside of Raphael — A fresh invoice of innocence and beauty had arrived in by absence in the persons of Miss Louise Igoe and her aunt. Miss Igoe like Miss Daisy is from Indianapolis, that producer of hoosier venus’s. Miss Igoe is a pronounced blonde, blue eyes, with a complexion as clear as the concience of a baby angel, with hair like Andromache. Miss Igoe’s aunt is a bright elderly lady who beat me so bad at checkers that my bump of “Strategic combination” has sunk about two inches — for fear that Mrs G___ might think I had an inexhaustible supply of dirty shirts, I put on one of those starched horrors procured for me by Tomlinson — put my spongy mind at work on life Goethe — Chewed some Tulu gum presented me by Mrs G___ conceived the idea that the mastication of this chunk of immutable plasticity — a dentiferous tread-mill so to speak, would act on the salivial glands to produce an excess of this necessary ingredient of the digestive fluid and thus a self acting home made remedy for dyspepsia could be obtained — believe there is something in this as my dyspeptic pains are receeding from recognition — Dot is learning to play Lange’s “Blumenlied” on the piano — Miss Igoe I learn from a desultory conversation is involved in a correspondence with a brother of Miss Mina who resides at Canton Ohio being connected with the Mower + reaper firm of Aultman & Miller. The letter received today being about as long as the bills at the Grand Hotel at Paris are I surmise rather a serious character, cupid-ly speaking. The frequency of their reception will confirm or disaffirm my conjectures as to the proximity of a serious catastrophe — A post office courtship is a novelty to me, so I have resolved to follow up this matter for the experience which I will obtain — This may come handy should “My head ever become the dupe of my heart” as papa Rochefacault puts it. — In evening went out on sea wall — noticed a strange phosphorecent light in the west, probably caused by a baby moon just going down Chinaward thought at first the Aurora Boreallis had moved out west — Went to bed early dreamed of a Demon with eyes four hundred feet apart.