August Reading

Soon I will be invincible, Grossman
Thoughtful novel featuring superheroes and supervillains in a real world. I liked it a lot. Four stars.

The book stops here, Sansom
The third mobile library mystery by Sansom, but the first I have read. I liked it enough that I will be seeking out the first two. While it says right up front that it is a mystery, the actual mystery doesn’t start until a good halfway through the book. More of a character driven book with some mystery. Our Hero is Israel Armstrong, a librarian on the bookmobile (mobile library) in the north of Northern Ireland. He’s living in a rented room at a farmhouse and has now been relegated to the chicken coop since the former resident of the room is home from college for the holidays. When we meet him, he’s wearing his corduroys, patched brogues, and a t-shirt (borrowed from the returning college student) that says “Smack My Bitch Up.” I like Israel. Three stars.

And here we have an interlude of six months where my reading ability is impaired. No reviews, and I may have forgotten some books I read or partially read.

Burma chronicles by Guy Delisle
Cancer vixen: a true story by Marisa Acocella Marchetto
Eating for England: the delights & eccentricities of the British at table by Nigel Slater
A field guide to roadside technology by Ed Sobey
Ant farm: and other desperate situations by Simon Rich
Trophy kid, or, How I was adopted by the rich and famous by Steve Atinsky
Do the math: secrets, lies, and algebra by Wendy Lichtman
Letting go of God by Julia Sweeney
The minimalist cooks dinner: more than 100 recipes for fast weeknight meals and casual entertaining by Mark Bittman
Corrupted Science
Gentlemen, Start Your Ovens
Tiny Treats