Not only is history being made, but you can watch the process online: Bhutan’s first constitution is in the making! When one writes a constitution these days, one has to be far more specific (electronic communication, the environment, torture and so forth), but one is still able to soar to inspirational heights:
“The State shall strive to promote those circumstances that will enable the successful pursuit of Gross National Happiness.”
Unfortunately, my unfamiliarity with Bhutanese culture results in some passages sounding a bit like science fiction:
“The title to the Golden Throne of Bhutan shall vest in the legitimate descendants of His Majesty Druk Gyalpo Ugyen Wangchuck as enshrined in the inviolable and historic Gyenja of the Thirteenth Day, Eleventh Month of the Earth Monkey Year, corresponding to the Seventeenth Day of December, Nineteen Hundred and Seven”
Let us all strive for Gross National Happiness!