Ingenious Mechanism

From Scientific American, January 2nd, 1847

Ingenious Mechanism
An Albany paper speaks of a squirrel cage, got up for a holiday present, and so constructed that when in operation, it puts in play a fountain, propels a train of railroad cars and other machinery. In connection with this subject it may be remarked that the squirrel — especially the red kind, — evinces a particular fondness for mechanical motion, and a capacity for timing with music. We once connected a revolving cage with a small hand organ, and were amused to observe that in less than three hours, the little operator kept time accurately with the music of the organ; and so pleased was he with his own performance, after finding the music so completely at his command, that he so wearied himself to exhaustion, that is was found requisite to disstract the machinery to give the squirrel a chance to rest.”