Hand importing, or reruns

In an effort to make the old blog go away, or at least make myself stop checking to see if it’s still there, I’m going to do more reruns from it.
On 18 July 2002, my esteemed co-blogger wrote: "How long will adflip last? They claim fair use on the basis of research for, of all things, goofy vintage ads you can send as ecards. A bit of a stretch. Download all the ads (1940 to today) you need for your own fair use before they get the inevitable cease and desist ecard."
And if somebody wanted to remind me tonight to check to see if my copy of the 1st edition AD&D Player’s Handbook is a true first or merely a first printing, so I can price it according to this guide, I’d be grateful. How grateful, you may ask? Well, it turns out better judgment prevents my saying here; you’ll just have to take your chances.