There may be several of these excerpts to come, but here’s a bit of medical advice from “It Cured Me!”
“When your children’s health is in question, and such symptoms are noticed as a variable appetite, with strange cravings, picking the nose, excessive thirst, low fever, bad breath, pale, sallow complexion, occasionally flushed cheeks, a wasting away, great nervousness, fitful sleep, grinding of the teeth, accompanied by weakness of the bowels — they indicate that the child is troubled with those dreadful pests, WORMS, which worry its delicate system, and are producing such irritation and debility as will surely break down the constitution, and, if the cause is not removed, may bring on St. Vitus’ Dance or Convulsions, and render its after-life a burden. To save your child use DR. JAYNE’S TONIC VERMIFUGE, according to the directions, and you will not only destroy the Worms, but its Tonic properties will rebuild the general health, — no other Worm Medicine possessing such qualities. When Worms are not indicated, and a gentle Tonic is required, the VERMIFUGE may be given with excellent results after each meal, in much smaller doses than for Worms.”